ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki



 島嶼 的洞窟:
  • CaveC
    Artifact Of The Clever 中央洞窟
  • CaveNW
    Artifact Of The Skylord 西北洞窟
  • CaveLS
    Artifact Of The Hunter 南下洞窟
  • CaveNE
    Artifact Of The Devourer 東北洞窟
  • CaveUS
    Artifact Of The Pack 南上洞窟
  • CaveSE
    Artifact Of The Massive 東南洞窟
  • CaveSwamp
    Artifact Of The Immune 沼澤洞窟
  • CaveSnow
    Artifact Of The Strong 雪原洞窟
  • The Caverns of Lost Hope
    Artifact Of The Cunning 失望洞窟
  • The Caverns of Lost Faith
    Artifact Of The Brute 失信洞窟
  • Tek Cave Inside2


Map The Island

Difficulty: Green = Standard; Red = Hard; Cyan = Standard Underwater; Blue = Hard Underwater.

Cave Artifact Lat Lon X Y Z Loot Crate Lvl
Central Clever (Broodmother Broodmother) 41.5 46.9 -23038 -67442 -9 10 Green Crate, 25 Blue Crate
North West Skylord (Dragon Dragon) 19.3 19.0 -247569 -245067 -11330 40 Yellow Crate, 55 Red Crate
Lower South Hunter (Broodmother Broodmother) 80.3 53.5 28709 242292 -13245 10 Green Crate
North East Devourer (Megapithecus Megapithecus) 14.7 85.4 283225 -281474 -13441 25 Blue Crate, 55 Red Crate
Upper South Pack (Megapithecus Megapithecus) 68.2 56.2 49630 145933 -13404 25 Blue Crate
Lava Cave Massive (Broodmother Broodmother) 70.6 86.1 288663 164598 -14126 25 Blue Crate, 40 Yellow Crate
Swamp Cave Immune (Dragon Dragon) 62.7 37.3 -101583 101617 -5167 25 Blue Crate, 40 Yellow Crate, 70 Red Crate
Snow Cave Strong (Dragon Dragon) 29.1 31.8 -144083 -164621 24 25 Blue Crate, 40 Yellow Crate, 55 Red Crate
The Caverns of Lost Faith Brute (Megapithecus Megapithecus) 53.7 10.4 -315928 29403 -41974 50 Blue Crate, 60 Yellow Crate, 70 Red Crate
The Caverns of Lost Hope Cunning (Dragon Dragon) 45.9 88.9 303017 -29089 -33983 50 Blue Crate, 60 Yellow Crate, 70 Red Crate
Tek Cave N/A 43.1 39.1 -87011 -54601 33489 N/A


注意 困難洞窟 產生的生物等級極高 (通常超過 250),而且他們不可馴服。失信洞窟的生物也是不可馴服的,但等級一般水準。

Terrestrial Entrances
Underwater Entrances

 The Center 的洞窟:
  • The Center Cave Inside
    Artifact Of The Devious 中心洞窟
  • South East Cave (The Center)
    Artifact Of The Immune 叢林洞窟
  • North Ice Cave Room2a
    Artifact Of The Clever Artifact Of The Devourer 北方冰洞
  • South Ice Cave TC
    Artifact Of The Skylord 南方冰洞
  • West Lava Cave (The Center)
    Artifact Of The Hunter 西區岩漿洞
  • East Lava Cave (The Center)
    Artifact Of The Massive Artifact Of The Strong 東區岩漿洞


The Center Topographic Map

Difficulty: Green = Standard; Red = Hard; gray = unknown difficulty

Cave Artifact Lat Lon X Y Z Loot Crate Lvl
Lava Oasis Hunter 15.8 50.5 -44160 -139351 -10250 ?
South Ice Skylord 60.0 22.5 -312960 284261 -4150 ?
Lava Massive, Strong 11.2 67.4 118080 -183437 -2500 ?
North Ice Clever, Devourer 18.7 29.7 -243840 -111557 8000 ?
Southeastern Trench Brute 69.1 92.2 356160 371475 -120000 ?



 焦土大陸 的洞窟:
  • Grave of the Tyrants Interior ScE
    Artifact Of The Crag 暴君墳墓
  • The Old Tunnels Catacomb ScE
    Artifact Of The Gatekeeper 老舊隧道
  • Ruins of Nosti Void ScE
    Artifact Of The Destroyer 諾斯提遺跡


Scorched Earth Map

Green = Standard Difficulty

洞窟 神器 緯度 經度 X Y Z 戰利品箱 等級
Grave of the Tyrants Crag 28.5 29.3 ? ? ? ?
The Old Tunnels Gatekeeper 58.6 47.4 ? ? ? ?
Ruins of Nosti Destroyer 78.5 75.6 ? ? ? ?


Note that Achatina spawn as high-levelled, untameable variants, similar to the creatures found within The Island's Swamp and Snow caves.




緯度 經度 X Y Z 目錄
01 16.0° 10.1° -3170 -2720 -370
02 10.0° 21.5° -2270 -3190 -410
03 10.4° 39.5° -820 -3160 -415
04 07.9° 90.1° 3220 -3365 -450
05 36.3° 91.5° 3300 -1100 -455
06 50.5° 11.2° -3100 40 -420
07 52.7° 91.9° 3345 2250 -455
08 83.0° 09.9° -3200 2670 -415
09 90.8° 13.0° -2900 3270 -455
10 89.8° 36.8° -1065 3200 -440
11 90.3° 71.3° 1710 3245 -440
12 87.1° 90.2° 3210 2975 -445



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  • 帶上白色漿果普通水壺
  • 獸皮毛皮 裝備很有幫助,但不是所有洞窟通用。
  • 抓鉤能夠有效地避開危險生物,以利於取得制高點,不必帶上地基和天花板來通過。


  • 拉撒路雜燴 能夠降低在水下的耗氧量,能夠維持更長的潛水時間,讓你更容易找到入口。
  • 騎乘一隻巨齒鯊 能夠幫助你對抗其他的鯊魚,並且在水中快速的移動。他們也能很好的辨識表面的氣泡,早期版本中,將鯊魚帶入洞窟中有一些問題,然而,巨齒鯊現在能夠通行無阻。
  • 另外使用蛇頸龍或著魚龍比起巨齒鯊來得更快。 一隻馴服的蛇頸龍可以輕易地擊敗巨齒鯊以及魚龍能夠輕鬆的甩開其他野生動物。
  • 如果你有馴服無齒翼龍阿根廷巨鷹,他們能夠直接將你運送到洞穴入口,避開不必要的游泳,並且在很多巨齒鯊的洞穴。完成目的後無齒翼龍阿根廷巨鷹可以立刻將你帶離水面。這是一種非常和平的方式,讓你使用最少的裝備及武器,避開大多不必要的戰鬥。這樣一來,不必死亡受挫。但是,你必須先找到洞穴的入口。
  • 騎乘一隻帝鱷能夠快速得在水中及陸地上移動。此外,他比巨齒鯊來得更快,在水中不需要耐力能夠適應大多洞窟,採集資源時更加安全。
  • 246改版中,廣翅鱟在水下洞窟分組產卵,準備解決他們!


  • 有一個大型平面的岩石。看起來像是南邊的懸崖上的洞穴入口,可能會是未來的洞穴入口。
  • 在水下洞窟建築基地會停止資源]]的刷新。
  • Center北方冰洞, one of the two parts (the part with the Artifact of the Devourer) of the cave's crystal nodes are invisible (can still be farmed normally with a pick).
    • This is especially detrimental when trying to get to one of the places that spawns a loot crate, which is along a long, thin corridor that is littered with spiders, wolves, sabertooths, and Yetis (possibly one of the most concentrated areas of aggressive creatures in the game).
    • These nodes can block movement, bullets, arrows, etc. but can be helpful as it blocks some creatures against walls, while other nodes can act as walls, allowing you to be unseen as long as it is between you and a creature.