ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Mod Ark Eternal logo This article is about content exclusive to the mod Ark Eternal.
This content is only available if the mod is installed on a server or on single player.

Mod Ark Eternal DOA Puppy
Mod:Ark Eternal/DOA Puppy
Mod Ark Eternal DOA Puppy Image.jpgMod Ark Eternal DOA Puppy Image
Mod Ark Eternal DOA Puppy Image
These values may differ with what you see in-game or written elsewhere. But that is what the dossier says.
Common Name
Mod:Ark Eternal/DOA Puppy
Aduentum Mortuis Tributum Adsignatos
Time Period
Mid Cenozoic

Spawn Command
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Special/Tributes/DOA/DOAMinion_Character_BP.DOAMinion_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

Creature Information[]

Minion for DOA Tribute dino made for our patron DOA. Summoned by pressing Left Ctrl on the parent creature.
