ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Photo is an alternative to the Gallery extension that simulates Polaroid photographs. It is used for photo-based table-of-contents or as a standalone Gallery.

Usage and Notes

  • Parameter 1: The file to be displayed.
Example: CaveC.jpg
  • Parameter 2: The caption to be displayed (Optional).
Example: Central Cave
  • Parameter 3: The link to follow when the image or caption are clicked (Optional).
Example: link:text (treat all of the text/caption as the link path)
Example: link:caption (treat all of the text/caption as the link path)
Note: link:text and link:caption do the same thing.
Example: link:img (link to the image)
Example: link:image (link to the image)
Note: link:img, link:image, and leaving the parameter blank all do the same thing. They will default to the image.
Example: link:Central_Cave (specify a custom link)
  • Parameter 4: The icon (or two icons delimited by a forward slash / ) to be displayed at the start of the caption (Optional).
Example: Artifact_Of_The_Clever.png
Example: Artifact_Of_The_Clever.png/Artifact_Of_The_Devourer.png
  • Parameter 5: CSS (Optional).
Example: background:pink; font-variant:small-caps;
<ul class="photo-nav OR photo-gallery">
{{Photo|1            |2      |3   |4           |5  }}

<ul class="photo-nav">
{{Photo|Biome Beach.jpg|Beach|link:Biomes#Beaches}}
{{Photo|CaveC.jpg|Central Cave|link:text|Artifact_Of_The_Clever.png}}