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EnableCheats <Password> 

Cheat: -
Target: Self
Added: 0.0 (UE1)

Name Type Description
Password String Server administrator password

Description: Enable server administrator commands for the current player. The password provided should match the server's ServerAdminPassword option (see Server Configuration). In single player games you don't need this command, see the introduction above.
Compatible with gaming consoles: No

enablecheats pass123


CE <type> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -

Name Type Description
type String Type of weather. Possible values: see below. Mind the quotation marks necessary for commands with space between words.

Description: Starts and stops weather.

The Island
starttime, stoptime, heatwave, coldfront, makeitrain, fogitup
Scorched Earth
start_superheat, stop_superheat, start_sandstorm, stop_sandstorm, start_electricalstorm, stop_electricalstorm, start_rain, stop_rain
"start rain", "stop rain", "start electricalstorm", "stop electricalstorm", "start sandstorm", "stop sandstorm", "start superheat", "stop superheat", Start_Volcano
startquake, stopquake
"Start Meteors"
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes
cheat ce start_superheat


GameCommand <TheCommand> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -

Name Type Description
TheCommand String Command

Description: Runs a game-mode specific command / trigger. For example, to start the game in the SoTF mod game mode, run:
Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

cheat gamecommand startgame


GFI <BlueprintPathPart> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: Self
Added: 258.0

Name Type Description
BlueprintPathPart String significant part of the blueprint path
Quantity Integer[32] Number of items to add
Quality Float Quality of added items
ForceBlueprint Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Description: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
This is a shortcut version for GiveItem. But instead of the complete blueprint path it is sufficient to specify only a significant part of it.
E.g. the blueprint path of the Tek ATV end in PrimalItemVHBuggy. You can use "vhbuggy" or "vhb" or "buggy" or "bugg" or "uggy" or... On the other hand "atv" will not work because it's the name of the item but not a part of the blueprint path.
For ambiguous parts you will maybe not get the item you want. Instead you get one that the search mechanism finds first. E.g. for Bug Repellant (PrimalItemConsumable_BugRepellant) you can't just say "bug" because this part is also included in "buggy". You will get the Tek ATV in this case. But "bugr" is specific enough to find definitely the Bug Repellant.
To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.
To give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

cheat gfi bugr 10 0 0



Cheat: Yes
Target: -
Added: 0.0 (UE1)
Description: Stops all creature movement in the game world and halts crafting. Players can still move normally. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

cheat PlayersOnly



Cheat: -
Target: -
Description: Prints the Color IDs.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown


StartNearestHorde <Type> <Difficulty> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -
Added: 286.103

Name Type Description
Type String Crate for Orbital Supply Drop or Element for Element Node
Difficulty Integer available numbers are 1-4 with 1 being easy and 4 legendary difficulty

Description: Spawns a Orbital Supply Drop or Element Node at the nearest location to you. It can take a moment before you see anything happening.
NOTE: This command will only work on Extinction

cheat StartNearestHorde Crate 2



Cheat: Yes
Target: -
Added: 286.103
Description: Lists all current active Orbital Supply Drop and Element Node in the extended console (you can acces it by using Tab ↹ a second time).
NOTE: This command will only work on Extinction

cheat ListActiveHordeEvents


ScriptCommand <CommandString> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -
Added: 197.x

Name Type Description
CommandString String Command string.

Description: Runs a game mode specific command / script. These can be implemented by mod authors. Currently, there are no official game modes that use custom scripts.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown


Slomo <SpeedMult> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -
Added: 0.0 (UE2)

Name Type Description
SpeedMult Float Speed multiplier

Description: Sets the game speed multiplier. Change back to 1 to set back to normal.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes



Cheat: Yes
Target: Self
Added: 191.0
Description: Mode spectator (will destroy inventory, leave all your stuff at safe place first)

Special Keybindungs while in Spectator
Ctrl + MToggle floating player huds for the entire map (helpful to spot where everyone is)
Ctrl + PToggle Only Show Nearby Floating Huds
Ctrl + NDisplay a list of players to jump to
LmbAttach to the player in front of you
Lmb or RmbClick to cycle attached player
SpacebarDetach from a player
⇧ ShiftFly Fast
CtrlFly Slow
MousewheelAdjust fly speed
⇧ Shift + F1 ... F10Save camera positions
F1 ... F10Teleport to saved camera postions

stopspectating for leaving

See also Admin Spectator
Compatible with gaming consoles: Partial - Many features of spectating do not work on consoles. You can fly around and lock to a player, however you cannot unlock the camera from the player or save camera positions. Additionally you cannot view a player list.

cheat EnableSpectator


RequestSpectator <Password> 

Cheat: -
Target: Self
Added: 191.0

Name Type Description
Password String Spectator password.

Description: Requests spectator mode on servers where there is a spectator password. The password given must match the server's "SpectatorPassword".
Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown


SetShowAllPlayers <Enable> 

Cheat: Yes
Target: -

Name Type Description
Enable Boolean true or false

Description: Show player names in spectator mode. A shortcut for the this command is SAP.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes



Cheat: Yes
Target: Self
Description: quits spectatormode (as the character is killed when enable spectating, the respawn menu is displayed)
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes



Cheat: -
Target: -
Description: Leaving the spectator mode which was started with EnableSpectator.
Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes
